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TGK successful at 9th Automotive CEE Day in Opole, Poland
Visit from the Slovenj Gradec Higher Vocational College Students
Wednesday, May 15, 2024


Between May 7th and 10th, Budapest, Hungary's capital, hosted one of the automotive industry's pivotal events in the Central and Eastern Europe region - the Automotive Hungary International Automotive Supplier Exhibition. Our company was among the participants, and we were delighted with the outcome.

TGK presented its offerings at the event through a dedicated exhibition space. We displayed a selection of our products and engaged with visitors, addressing their inquiries about our services. This platform facilitated valuable networking opportunities with industry leaders and professionals, allowing for the exchange of insights and experiences.

Reflecting on the event, Matej Tušar, Chief Commercial Officer, remarked: "The Automotive Hungary exhibition stands out as a significant fixture in the regional automotive industry calendar. This year, we seized the opportunity to showcase our company and its endeavors comprehensively. The fruitful discussions we had regarding future collaborations with both existing and potential partners underscore the event's importance."

As the excitement from the exhibition continues, we eagerly anticipate our upcoming participation at SEE Automotive conference in Belgrade in just a few days.

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